001    package jp.osdl.jbento2.analyzer;
003    import java.util.Iterator;
004    import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
006    public class AnalyzerCli {
008        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
009            Options options = new Options();
010            options.addOption(
011                OptionBuilder.
012                withArgName("source file").
013                hasArg().
014                withDescription("source file.").
015                withLongOpt("source").
016                create("f"));
017            options.addOption(
018                OptionBuilder.
019                withArgName("dest dir").
020                hasArg().
021                withDescription("dest directory.").
022                withLongOpt("dest").
023                create("d"));
024            options.addOption(
025                OptionBuilder.
026                withArgName("parser name").
027                hasArg().
028                withDescription("parser name. available value is 'jbento'.").
029                withLongOpt("parser").
030                create("p"));
031            options.addOption(
032                OptionBuilder.
033                withArgName("ramp-up seconds").
034                hasArg().
035                withDescription("seconds to ignore ramp-up.").
036                withLongOpt("ramp-up").
037                create("U"));
038            options.addOption(
039                OptionBuilder.
040                withArgName("ramp-down seconds").
041                hasArg().
042                withDescription("seconds to ignore ramp-down.").
043                withLongOpt("ramp-down").
044                create("D"));
045            options.addOption(
046                OptionBuilder.
047                withArgName("duration seconds").
048                hasArg().
049                withDescription("seconds to duration.").
050                withLongOpt("duration").
051                create("R"));
052            options.addOption("h", "help", false, "display help");
054            CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser();
055            CommandLine line = null;
056            try {
057                line = parser.parse(options, args);
058            } catch (ParseException ex) {
059                throw ex;
060            }
062            if (line.hasOption("h") ||
063                (line.getOptions().length == 0 && line.getArgs().length == 0)) {
064                HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
065                formatter.printHelp("AnalyzerCli", options, true);
066                return;           
067            }
069            Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer();
071            for (Iterator it = line.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
072                Option o = (Option)it.next();
073                String longOpt = o.getLongOpt();
074                if (longOpt.equals("source")) {
075                    analyzer.setSrc(o.getValue());
076                } else if (longOpt.equals("dest")) {
077                    analyzer.setDest(o.getValue());
078                } else if (longOpt.equals("parser")) {
079                    analyzer.setParser(o.getValue());
080                } else if (longOpt.equals("ramp-up")) {
081                    analyzer.setRampUpMillis(Integer.parseInt(o.getValue()) * 1000);
082                } else if (longOpt.equals("ramp-down")) {
083                    analyzer.setRampDownMillis(Integer.parseInt(o.getValue()) * 1000);
084                } else if (longOpt.equals("duration")) {
085                    analyzer.setDurationMillis(Long.parseLong(o.getValue()) * 1000);
086                }
087            }
089            if (analyzer.getSrc() == null) {
090                if (line.getArgs().length < 1) {
091                    throw new MissingOptionException("source does not specified.");
092                } else {
093                    analyzer.setSrc(line.getArgs()[0]);
094                }
095            }
097            analyzer.analyze();
098        }
099    }